
Reddit age of wonders planetfall early game tips
Reddit age of wonders planetfall early game tips

reddit age of wonders planetfall early game tips

It also cuts a lot of interesting options for heroes vehicles. That’s why I despise DVAR, they are the worst race in global aspect, because they have no real logistics, in comparison to even Vanguard, they at least have solid Aircraft that can compensate the lack of floating units, so those races relay a lot on NPC/Secret tech to stay viable in global perspective. While you can use roads and orbital relays to skip this problem sometimes, but unfortunately exploring map become tedious. Spending 2-3x more time to reach certain places on strategic map can put you in significant disadvantage. Unit with 32 movement suck(without floating or flying) infinitely.

reddit age of wonders planetfall early game tips

Shakarn and Celestian will just ruin your strategic gameplay by messing your relationship with other races/NPC.Ģ) Inferiority of 32 movement ground units - basically that’s it. Oathbound with Last Stand, Precognition and Adversary make battles tedious, annoying and very long (If you’re not Shakarn). The other comment perfectly described problem with AI in general, so I won’t stop there.ġ) Playing against Oathbound, Celestian and Shakarn, AI with those races and secret tech make game just tedious and suck. Strategic map becomes a both boring and stressful, as you are repeating same things over and over again, and single mistake can easily result in failed game.

reddit age of wonders planetfall early game tips

So while tactical combat might be interesting. There are no issues trying to exploit and control wide and diverse empire. There is no such thing as going "tall" by having small, but focused empire. And war boils down to waiting for AI to make a mistake and split up it's death ball, so it can be defeated in detail.Īnd that loosing significant portion of your forces can easily result in lost game, due to lost momentum. This results in wars, where two armies are staring at each other, across a border, camping in cities. The AI is not strong because of it's strategic or tactical brilliance, but because it has bonuses to out-produce you three times over. I would say the AI is bane of all 4X games. I'm not a strong, player and can't play on highest difficulties, but.

Reddit age of wonders planetfall early game tips